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Monday 7 May 2012

Why should we drink Kangen Water?

Why should we drink Kangen Water?

There are many reasons why we should drink Kangen Water but here are our top 5:

1.Hydration & detoxification

Our body is 70% water. So it is important to drink good quality water.

Most water is acidic, much of it is “dead” (no minerals), tap water is full of poisons (chlorine and fluoride), it struggles to hydrate our cells, and contains oxidants rather than antioxidants.

Kangen water is produced by electrolysis process which reduces clustering of water molecules from 10-20 (or more) per cluster for regular tap water down to 5-6 for ionized water. This process reduces the surface tension of the water and allows for solubility and cell permeability.

A reduced molecular structure rapidly absorbed into cells, able to hydrate and detoxify you better than any other water (or liquid, for that matter). 

Therefore, Kangen Water provides superior hydration and detoxification. 

2.Brain booster

Dr. Corinne Allen – Water and the Brain

Why is Water So Important for the Brain?

The Brain is 85% water. Optimal brain function depends on water and lots of it. Water is what keeps the brain signals going. When the quality of water is compromised the signals are short circuited.

Water supports DNA and is the largest single source of energy. The brain has no way to store water and dehydration comes if all the water lost in a day is not replaced and this deficiency is accumulated.

Brain cells need 2x more energy than other cells in the body. Water supplies energy. Nerve transmission consumes one-half of all the brain's energy (nearly 10% of the whole body's energy). When hydrated, you have more energy.

When the brain is functioning on a full reserve of water, it will function at full capacity and you'll think better and faster. Creativity is boosted.

For a full article by Dr Corrine Allen on Water and the Brain – please see the following link:

In the article, she also explains about the following topics:

Brain Injury Causes Inflammation.
Why is Water Important in Advanced Learning & Development Institute's
Brain Programs?
Why Does Kangen Water Work So Well in ALDI's Brain Program?
Why does Advanced Learning & Development Institute use Kangen Water
in Its Brain Program?
As well as Testimonies by
Johnnie Wilkins, severely Autistic 6-year-old
Yuan Meng, severe brain injury from brain tumor surgery

see also video by Dr. Corinne Allen – The brain on water


Storing Acid in our Bodies :

Dr. Lynda Frassetto from the University of California believes that humans, in evolutionary terms, have changed. Once upon a time, our bodies used to break down food and dispose of the acid waste with our kidneys and livers. But now, because of the sheer amount of acid waste the average American produces, she sees our inner bodies being turned into a war zone, where our body is fighting to protect its most strategic reserves --- our kidney and liver -- from total degradation and failure.

To prove this theory, Dr. Frassetto studied 1000 people and discovered that we are indeed stockpiling acid waste in our fatty deposits instead of eliminating it with our kidneys and liver. Cholesterol and crystallized uric acid are solidified acids that have been dumped within the body for later disposal, which never comes. Our bodies have made the choice to preserve our kidney and liver instead of processing the acid waste.

The cost is tremendous -- obesity, low energy, and many acid related diseases such as osteoarthritis, diabetes, cancer, and much more.

When our bodies are excessively acidic, they borrow essential minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium from our vital organs and bones to buffer or neutralize the acid. The result is our bodies suffer from prolonged degradation or corrosion which manifests into these dehabilitating conditions.

The reason is simple -- the average diet contains way too much acid. Diet coke and other soda is probably the most acidic food people consume at a pH of 2.5. Beer and meat are at 3.5, then there’s diary, white pasta, most water, wine, hard alcohol, nuts and butters, beans, oils -- all acidic foods. All produce acid waste in our bodies that they can‘t handle.

Dr. Robert O. Young agrees with Dr. Frassetto‘s theory. Sugar is an acid and he sees consumption of sugar as the reason why so many are overweight. The body has to protect itself from the excess sugar, so it creates fat to encase the acid. “Fat,” he says. “Is saving our lives.”

Then there’s the problem of disease. The stomach works by producing acid to break down food. Whenever this acid is made, alkaline buffers are also created and sent through our blood stream, naturally alkalizing our body. A healthy balanced body has alkaline reserves to battle diseases, infections, and viruses. But if excessive acid must be continuously neutralized or stored, our alkaline reserves will be depleted, leaving our bodies weakened and disease prone.

Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, author of “Alkalize or Die” says, “Too much acidity in the body is like having too little oil in the car. It just grinds to a halt one lazy Sunday afternoon. There you are -- stuck. The body does the same thing.”

4.Antioxidant and Reverse Aging

A simple demonstration of the antioxidant properties of Kangen water:

A slice of apple soaked in tap water and another slice of apple soaked in Kangen Water, both for 5 minutes.

The slice of apple in the tap water was oxidized within 6 hours; In alkaline water, the slice of apple remained unoxidised after 30 hours.

Oxidation Reduction Potential (O.R.P.)

Virtually all liquids have an Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), which is the potential for one liquid substance to reduce the oxidation of another substance, as measured in millivolts (mV).

In other words, the more powerful the antioxidant, the lower the ORP level. As things oxidize, the ORP rises. ORP is easily measured with a calibrated meter.

Normal tap water has an ORP of +250 to +400, meaning that its potential for reducing oxidation is nonexistent.

Only a negative ORP can reduce or negate oxidation. Kangen water has an ORP of -500, depending in part on the amount of minerals in the source water. This means it has a very high potential for reducing oxidation. Fresh squeezed orange juice has a  -250 ORP, as do most other fresh squeezed juices, green tea and vegetables

However, if they have been pasteurized or otherwise processed, the antioxidant properties are diminished or removed. Tests reveal that bottled mineral waters have an average ORP of approximately +200mV only slightly lower than ordinary tap water.

5. Anti-Cancer

Dr Otto Warburg discovered the real cause of cancer in 1923 and he received the Nobel Prize for doing so in 1931. Dr Warburg was director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (now Max Planck Institute) for cell physiology at Berlin. He investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells.

In his The Metabolism of Tumours he demonstrated that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Lack of oxygen and acidosis are two sides of the same coin: where you have one, you have the other.

The Solution: Blood and Tissue Detox

To cure our bodies of tissue toxicity we need to detox, we need to remove the poisons from our bodies, alkalize and oxygenate the cells.

Bob Wright, author of Killing Cancer Not People and Director of American Anti-Cancer Institute – Recommends Kangen Water

Bob Wright, the author of Killing Cancer Not People has published the following insights into his opinion on the benefits of Living Water (KANGEN WATER)

Here is what he has to say:

“What You Must Know About the Water You Drink

You can eat and drink: 

1) alkaline and 2) anti-oxidant juice, foods and supplementation, and we highly recommend you do—whether you have cancer or not. But Living (Kangen) Water adds a critical third cancer-fighter found nowhere else, particularly within a mighty threesome: 

3) a reduced molecular structure rapidly absorbed into cells, able to hydrate and detoxify you better than any other water (or liquid, for that matter). 

Therefore: this Living (Kangen) Water creates the perfect anti-cancer trio: 1) alkaline 2) anti-oxidant and 3) restructured for superior hydration and detoxification. 

For cancer patients, we have no choice but to highly recommend it!

Other uses of Enagic Kangen Water

In addition to drinking Kangen Water, what is fantastic about Enagic Kangen water machine is that it also produces strong Kangen Water (ph11.5) which removes pesticides from your fruits and vegetables before your cook or eat them.

Enagic also produces strong acidic water (ph2.5) which has been proven to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. If you suffer from any skin allergies or insect bites, just spray some ph2.5 to kill the viruses and soothe any skin irritations.

You can also use ph2.5 as a disinfectant and do away with all the harmful households chemical disinfectants. This also adds to considerable savings and more importantly environmentally friendly and not harmful to your health.

There are many other beneficial Kangen water uses – see following links:

1 comment:

  1. A reduced molecular structure rapidly absorbed into cells, able to hydrate and detoxify you better than any other water best water filter system
